Wang, H., Yu, H., He, D., Li, M., Si, B., McDonnell, J. J., & Nehemy, M. F. (2024). Cryogenic vacuum distillation vs Cavitron methods in ecohydrology: Extraction protocol effects on plant water isotopic values. Journal of Hydrology, 131853.
Perron, N., Baltzer, J.L., Detto, M., Nehemy, M. F., Spence, C., Hould‐Gosselin, G., Alcock, H., Hadiwijaya, B., Laroque, C.P. and Sonnentag, O., 2024. Radiation, air temperature, and soil water availability drive tree water deficit across temporal scales in Canada's western boreal forest. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(8), p.e2023GL107477.
Pierrat, Z.A., Magney, T.S., Cheng, R., Maguire, A.J., Wong, C.Y., Nehemy, M.F., Rao, M., Nelson, S.E., Williams, A.F., Grosvenor, J.A.H. and Smith, K.R., 2024. The biological basis for using optical signals to track evergreen needle leaf photosynthesis. BioScience, 74(3), pp.130-145.
Nóbrega, R. L., Alencar, P. H., Baniwa, B., Buell, M. C., Chaffe, P. L., Munduruku Pinto Correa, D., ...Nehemy, M.F. ... & Stein, S. (2023). Co-developing pathways to protect nature, land, territory, and well-being in Amazonia. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 364.
Mattos, C., Mazzochini, G. G., Rius, B. F., Penha, D., Giacomin, L., Flores, B., Silva, M. C., Xavier, R. O., Nehemy, M. F., Petroni, A., Silva, J. S. G. M., Schlickmann, M. B., Rocha, M., Rodrigues, G., Costa, S. S., Barros, F. V., Tavares, J. V., Furtado, M. N., Verona, L. S., Oliveira-Alves, M. J., Oliveira, R. S., Fan, Y. & Hirota, M. (2023). Rainfall and topographic position determine tree embolism resistance in Amazônia and Cerrado sites. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.10.1088/1748-9326/ad0064.
McDowell, N. G., Anderson-Teixeira, K., Biederman, J., Breshears, D. D., Fang, Y., Fernandez de Una, L., Graham, E., Mackay, D. S., McDonnell, J. J., Nehemy, M.F., Stevens Rumann, C., Stegen, J., Tague, N., Turner, M., and Chen, X. (2023). The interdependent coupling of vegetation and hydrology post-disturbance. One Earth.
Nehemy, M. F., Pierrat Z., Maillet, J., Richardson, A. D., Stutz, J., Johnson, B., Helgason, W., Barr, A. G., Laroque, C. P., and McDonnell, J. J. (2023). Phenological assessment of transpiration: The stem-temp approach for determining the start and end of the season. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Sohel, Md. S. I., Herbohn, J., Nehemy, M.F., McDonnell, J. J. (2023). Differences between stem and branch xylem water isotope composition in four tropical tree species. Ecohydrology.
Nehemy, M. F., Maillet, J., Perron, N., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Baltzer, J. L.,Laroque, C. P., and McDonnell, J. J. (2022). Snowmelt Water Use at Transpiration Onset: Phenology, Isotope Tracing, and Tree Water Transit Time. Water Resources Research. doi:10.1029/2022WR032344.
Millar, C., Janzen, K., Nehemy, M. F., Koehler, G., Hervé-Fernández, P., Wang, H., Orlowski, N., Barbeta, A., McDonnell, J. J. (2022). On the urgent need for standardization in isotope-based ecohydrological investigations. Hydrological Process. doi:10.1002/hyp.14698.
Jia, G., Nehemy, M. F., Chen, L., Yu, X., Liu, Z. (2022). Ephemeral Connectivity between Trees and Groundwater in a Temperate Forest in China. Journal of Hydrology. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.127887.
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Allen, S. T., Steppe, K., Rinaldo, A., Lehmann, M. M., and McDonnell, J. J. (2022). Phloem water isotopically different to xylem water: Potential causes and implications for ecohydrological tracing. Ecohydrology. doi:10.1002/eco.2417.
Asadollahi, M., Nehemy, M. F., McDonnell, J. J., Rinaldo, A., Benettin, P. (2022). Towards a closure of catchment mass balance: Insight on the missing link from a vegetated lysimeter. Water Resources Research. doi:10.1029/2021WR030698.
Maillet, J., Nehemy, M. F., Mood, B., Pappas, C., Bonsal, B., and Laroque, C. (2022). A multi-scale dendroclimatological analysis of four common species in the southern Canadian boreal forest. Dendrochronologia. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2022.125936.
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. (2021). Tree water deficit and dynamic source water partitioning. Hydrological Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.14004.
Benettin, P., Nehemy, M. F., Cernusak, L. A., Angar, K., McDonnell, J. J. (2021). On the use of leaf water to determine plant water source: A proof of concept. Hydrological Processes. doi:10.1002/hyp.14073.
Benettin, P., Nehemy, M. F., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Bensimon, M., McDonnell, J. J., and Rinaldo, A. (2021). Tracing and closing the water balance in a vegetated lysimeter. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2020WR029049.
Pierrat Z., Nehemy, M. F., Roy, A., Magney, T., Parazoo, N., Laroque, C. P., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O.,
Grossmann, K., Bowling, D. R., Seibt, U., Ramirez, A., Johnson, B., Helgason, W., Barr, A., Stutz, J. (2021). Tower-based remote sensing reveals mechanisms behind a two-phased spring transition in a mixed-species boreal forest. Biogeoscience. doi:10.1029/2020JG006191.
Millar, C., Janzen, K., Nehemy, M. F., Koehler, G., Hervé-Fernández, P., McDonnell, J. J. (2021). Organic contamination detection for isotopic analysis of water by laser spectroscopy. Rapid Communications in Mass
Spectrometry. doi:10.1002/rcm.9118.
Prior to 2021
Nehemy, M. F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Gaj, M., Pratt, D. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J. (2019). 17O- excess as a detector for co-extracted organics in vapor analyses of plant isotope signatures. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. doi: 10.1002/rcm.8470.
Nehemy, M. F. and Laroque, C. P. (2018). Tree-ring analysis of larch sawfly (Pristiphora erichsonii (Hartig)) defoliation events and hydrological growth suppression in a peatland. Dendrochronologia. doi:10.1016/j.dendro.2018.06.006.
Nehemy, M. F., Maillet, J., Perron, N., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Baltzer, J. L., Laroque, C. P., and McDonnell, J.J. (2022) Snowmelt water use at transpiration onset: Dataset. Federated Research Data Repository. doi: 10.20383/102.0554.
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. 2020. Dataset: The
SPIKE II experiment - Tracing the water balance. Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/667zenodo.4037240.
Nehemy, M. F., Maillet, J. , Laroque, C. 2021. Stem radius change from Picea mariana and Larix laricina at the Old Black Spruce site, Boreal Research Ecosystem and Monitoring Sites (BERMS). Federated Research Data Repository. doi: 10.20383/102.0367
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2022
Nehemy, M. F., Mattos, C., Penha, D., Schlickmann, M., Silva, J. G. M., Rocha, M., Rodrigues, G. A., Hirota, M., Oliveira, S. R., Giacomin, L., Fan, Y. and McDonnell, J. J. Linking plant hydraulics, groundwater access, and tree water isotopes to understand water strategies in a tropical ecosystem. Poster presentation.
Ecological Society of America & Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 2022
Nehemy, M. F. and McDonnell, J. J. Back to the future: How current ecohydrological research on tree water sources parallels isotope hydrology research of the 1970s. Oral presentation.
European Geophysical Union Meeting, 2022 (Invited)
Maillet, J., Perron, N., Pappas, C., Sonnentag, O., Baltzer, J. L.,Laroque, C. P., and McDonnell, J. J. A thirst for snowmelt? Tree water use in spring. Oral presentation.
European Geophysical Union Meeting, 2021
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Rinaldo, A.,and McDonnell, J. J. The isotopic composition of phloem water and its relations to xylem water at daily and sub-daily resolutions. vPICO (oral) presentation.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2020
Nehemy, M. F., Maillet, J., Pappas, C., Laroque, C., and McDonnell, J. J. Stable isotopes in the cold Critical Zone: Snowmelt water contributes significantly to tree water storage refilling. Oral presentation.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2020
Asadollahi, M., Nehemy, M. F., McDonnell, J. J., Rinaldo, A., and Benettin, P. How can we improve our hydrological models and their predicted travel times? Lessons learned from a vegetated lysimeter experiment. Poster Presentation.
I Regional Workshop on Isotope Ecohydrology, San Luis, Argentina, 2020
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. How plant water status drives tree source water partitioning: The Spike II Experiment. Poster Presentation.
ABoVE Science Team Meeting, Online, 2020
Pierrat, Z., Nehemy, M. F., Roy, A., Magney, T., Parazoo, N., Laroque, C., Köhler, P., Bowling, D., Stutz, J. Remote Sensing of the Spring Onset in the Canadian Boreal Forest. Poster Presentation.
European Geophysical Union General Assembly, Online, 2020
Asadollahi, M., Benettin, P., Nehemy, M. F., McDonnell, J. J., and Rinaldo, A. Manipulation experiments to infer the age and tracer composition of hydrologic fluxes. Oral presentation.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2019
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. Plant water status and source water partitioning: A combined analysis of plant hydraulics, root distribution, isotopic dynamics, and soil matric potential. Oral presentation.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2019
Benettin, P., Nehemy, M. F., McDonnell, J. J. and Rinaldo, A. Quantitative tracing of precipitation in the critical zone: The Spike II experiment. Poster Presentation.
XI International workshop on Sap flow, Hyytiälä forestry field station, Finland, 2019
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. Tree water status provides information about plant water source partitioning: High-resolution measurements of stable isotopes, plant hydraulics, and soil matric potential from a controlled experiment. Poster Presentation.
Rhizosphere 5, Saskatoon, Canada, 2019
Nehemy, M. F., Benettin, P., Asadollahi, M., Pratt, D., Rinaldo, A., and McDonnell, J. J. Understanding root water uptake and source partitioning: High-resolution stable isotopes measurements and plant hydrodynamics. Poster Presentation.
American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., USA, 2018
Nehemy, M.F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Pratt, D. L., Pappas, C., Benettin, P., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J. The Interactions Between Plant Hydrodynamics and Soil Water Sources at Controlled and Natural Environments. Poster presentation.
Savannah River Site Summer Meeting, Oregon State University, Corvallis, USA, 2018
Nehemy, M. F., Millar, C., Janzen, K., Gaj, M., Pratt, D. L., Laroque, C. P. and McDonnell, J.J. Assessment of isotopic composition of tree water using three different extraction methods. Oral Presentation.
Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Society For Agriculture and Forest Meteorology National Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Coles, A., Chad, S., Nehemy, M.F., Al Masum, Niazi, A.A., Ross, C.A., Vogel, T., Janzen, K. and J.J. McDonnell. Improving prairie snowmelt process understanding with high resolution stable isotope tracing. Poster presentation.
Canadian Geophysical Union & Canadian Society For Agriculture and Forest Meteorology National Meeting, Vancouver, Canada, 2017
Nehemy, M.F. and Laroque, C. P. Tree-rings: a proxy for peatland water-table variability. Oral presentation.
Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Halifax, Canada, 2016
Nehemy, M.F. and Laroque, C. P. Is larch parched? A dendrohydrological perspective of Northern peatlands in boreal Saskatchewan. Oral presentation. Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Halifax, Canada, 2016
Canadian Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, Halifax, Canada, 2016
Laroque, C.P., Cook, A., Elliott, A., Fluney, A., Nehemy, M.F., Magnus, A., Maillet, J., Patton, C., Walz, K., Woodward, J., Blyth, R., Muir, D., Walker, T. and Wentzel, E. Seeing the light: A dendrochemical investigation of the "Crooked Bush" at the Canadian Light Source. Oral presentation.
IV Congreso Iberoamericano y del Caribe de Restauración Ecológica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015
Martins, L. A., Guimaraes, J. H., Engel, V.L., Sampaio, R.C.M. and Nehemy, M.F. A restauração passiva na formação de corredores ecológicos. [Passive restoration in the creation of ecological corridors].
XXIV International Union of Forest Research Organizations - IUFRO World Congress, Salt Lake City, USA, 2014
Nehemy, M.F., Sampaio, R.C.M, Engel, V.L. and Martins, L.A. Edge influence on forest composition and diversity in fragmented landscapes in Atlantic Brazilian forest. Poster presentation.
XXIV Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNESP [XXIV UNESP Undergraduate Research Experience Conference], Botucatu, Brazil, 2012
Nehemy, M.F., Machado, I.S., Garcia, C. W. and Nepomuceno, P.C. Cultivo in Vitro do Fique (Agave fourcroydes Lem.) [In vitru cultivation of Fique (Agave fourcroydes Lem.)]. Oral Presentation.
63° Congresso Nacional de Botânica [National Botanic Conference], Joinville, Brazil, 2012
Nehemy, M.F., Sampaio, R.C.N.; Engel, V.L., Martins, L.A., and Albuquerque, C.P. Estudo da regeneração natural no gradiente borda-interior em um fragmento florestal. [Study of natural regeneration in the edge-interior gradient in a forest fragment]. Poster presentation.
63° Congresso Nacional de Botânica [National Botanic Conference], Joinville, Brazil, 2012
Albuquerque, C.P., Engel, V.L., Nehemy, M.F., and Sato, L. M. Banco de sementes do solo em sistema agroflorestal e em plantio misto com espécies arbóreas nativas voltadas à restauração da floresta Estacional Semidecidual. [Seed bank of agroforestry system and mixed native species targeting Semidecidual Seasonal Rainforest restauration]. Poster presentation.
63° Congresso Nacional de Botânica [63° National Botanic Conference], Joinville, Brazil, 2012
Sampaio, R.C.N., Martins, L.A., Engel, V.L. and Nehemy, M.F. Relação solo e estrutura vegetal no gradiente borda-interior em um fragmento de mata atlântica. [Soil and stand structure relationship in the edge environment of an Atlantic forest fragment]. Poster presentation.
II Congresso Paulista de Extensão Universitária [II Sao Paulo State Community Engagement and Outreach Conference], São Paulo, Brazil, 2012.
Prosdocini, H.M., Ribas, L. C., Carmo, M. S., Oliveira, R.M., Nehemy, M.F., Prosdocini, R. M. and Biral, V.C.N. A Extensão Universitária e a Transmissão de Conhecimento para a Revitalização da Sustentabilidade de um Assentamento Rural: O Caso da Fazenda Monte Alegre, em Motuca/SP. [Research outreach and knowledge transmission for the revitalization in agriculture sustainability in a rural settlement: Mont Alegre Farm Study Case]. Poster presentation.
II Congresso Paulista de Extensão Universitária[II Sao Paulo State Community Engagement and Outreach Conference], São Paulo, Brazil, 2012
Biral, V.C.N., Ribas, L.C., Carmo, M.S., Nehemy, M. F., Oliveira, R.M. and Prosdocini, H.M. Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais para Realização de Práticas Agrícolas Sutentáveis. [A Model for payment for ecosystem services in view of agricultural sustainable practices]. Poster presentation. II Congresso Paulista de Extensão Universitária
II Sao Paulo State Community Engagement and Outreach Conference], São Paulo, Brazil, 2012
Nehemy, M. F., Ribas, L.C., Carmo, M.S., Oliveira, R.M., Prosdocini, H.M., Prosdocini, R.M., and Biral, V. C. N. Reserva Legal e Área de Preservação Permanente sob a Ótica do Pagamento por Serviço Ambiental em um Assentamento Rural. [Legal Reserve and Area of Permanent Preservation and payment for ecosystem services]. Poster presentation.
II Congresso Paulista de Extensão Universitária [II Sao Paulo State Community Engagement and Outreach Conference], São Paulo, Brazil, 2012
Oliveira, R.M., Ribas, L.C., Carmo, M.S., Nehemy, M.F., Prosdocini, R.M., Prosdocini, H.M. and Biral, V.C.N. Viabilidade de Pagamento por Serviços Ambientais (PSA) para a Promoção da Transição Agroecológica [The feasiability of payment for ecosystem services to promote agroecology transition]. Poster presentation.
XVII Encontro Nacional dos Grupos PET [XVII Tutorial Education Program (PET) National Meeting], Goiânia, Brazil, 2011
Andrade, F.R., Soler, R.R., Gabira, M.M., Oliveira, R.M., Keller, A., Paganini, E.A. L., Silva, R.B.G., Nehemy, M. F., Toledo, J.R., Santos, F.N., Silva, R.P., Fernandes, G.C., Silva, M.R. and Fonseca, R.C.B. Metodologia para estudo de egressos e comparação entre petianos e não petianos na graduação. [Study of methodology to evaluate Forest Engineer alumni and compare “petianos” and “non-petianos”]. Oral Presentation.
XI Sudeste PET - Encontro dos Grupos PET da Região Sudeste [XI Tutorial Education Program (PET) Southeast Groups Meeting] , Alfenas, Brazil, 2011
Andrade, F.R., Paganini, E.A.L., Fernandes, G.C., Toledo, J.R., Nehemy, M.F., Gabira, M.M., Silva, R.B. G., Oliveira, R.M., Silva, R.P., Fonseca, R.C., Keller, A. and Soler, R. R. Desenvolvimento de Metodologia para os estudos de egressos do curso de engenharia floresta. [Development of new methodology to evaluate alumni students from Forest Engineering program]. Poster presentation.
X Sudeste PET - Encontro dos Grupos PET da Região Sudeste [X Tutorial Education Program (PET) Southeast Groups Meeting], Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010
Silva, R.B.G., Paganini, E.A.L., Paganelli, K.B., Moraes, C.C.R.N., Gelschin, R.V.C., Rebello, H.P., Luvizutto, P.R., Soler, R.R., Andrade, F.R., Keller, A. and NEHEMY, M.F. Indissociabilidade Ensino-Pesquisa-Extensão: Contribuições do projeto Pomares Urbanos na promoção do desenvolvimento local. [Contribution of the Urban Orchad Project to promote local development]. Poster presentation.
5 Congresso de Extensão Universitária da Unesp, [5 Conference of Community Engagement and Outreach from UNESP] Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 2009
Freitas, T.C.M., Ferreira, M. J., Nehemy, M.F., Gardon, F.R., Bacchim, G.T. Interpretação da Natureza na Trilha Ecológica do Lageado. [Interpretation of nature at lageado Ecological Trail]. Poster presentation.